Keep Common Sense

In the world we are living, the search for the common sense is inevitable. The way of living they passed to us the precedent generations has failed and new ideas and solutions must be applied under the new circumstances. The world lives in a glass surrounded by numerous info and messages. Unable to understand and cope with all information, stands still and follows the easy access, although the knowledge of the truth may have a harder way to be reached, the end worths all the way! Keep Common Sense...and forget the ready-made news served with a cold beer!

Sunday 23 May 2010

This is ... Greece! (Part 1)

Many people in the world woke up one morning and heard from the news that Greece has serious financial problems and is very close to bankruptcy. Some of them remembered their lovely vacation at the small and sunny European country...Some of them remembered that this country organized the Olympics of 2004... Some of them relieved that it's Greece and not their country....Some others just saw what they were expecting the last years...Some just changed the channel without bothering.
Well, Greece is known in the world for many reasons. Unfortunately, most of them are referring to the past, even to the very long past. Maybe the sun is a continuous trademark for Greece, but the past makes Greece look huge to the eyes of the people of this planet. Today, Greece is going through one of the worst crisis in their 36-year free democratic existence. What happened then????
Thirty six years ago,....

Saturday 27 March 2010

Τρομοκρατία της Οικονομίας

Από τις εκλογές και μετά, ζήσαμε την αγωνία της "αλλαγής"  για 100 ημέρες. Και οι 100 ημέρες συνεχίζονται (αν και πέρασαν....) και το μόνο που έχει αλλάξει είναι η εποχή που ζούμε. Τότε ήταν Φθινόπωρο και τώρα είμαστε στην Άνοιξη. Κυρίαρχο χαρακτηριστικό του νέου "τίποτα" είναι  η τρομοκρατία της οικονομίας.. Τρομοκρατείται ο λαός ότι υπάρχει περίπτωση να χάσει τα χρήματά του προκειμένου να καλύψουν οι κυβερνήσεις τα "χαμένα" χρήματα (επιδοτήσεις, δάνεια, ευρωπαϊκά κονδύλια κ.α.). Τρομοκρατείται ότι δεν υπάρχουν ούτε οι πληρωμές εργαζομενών και συνταξιούχων στο Δημόσιο για τον μήνα Ιούνιο. Τρομοκρατείται από τις τιμές των προϊόντων και καταλαβαίνει ότι πλέον πρέπει να αναζητά τις χαμηλότερες και συμφέρουσες τιμές στις αγορές του. Τρομοκρατείται όταν ακούει ότι θα μειώσουν το μισθό ή τη σύνταξή του και ταυτόχρονα θα πληρώνει και επιπλεόν ΦΠΑ για υπηρεσίες που δεν κόστιζαν απαγορευτικά. Τρομοκρατείται όταν συνειδητοποιεί ότι μόνος τού τα περνάει όλα και η βοήθεια δεν έρχεται από αυτόν που πραγματικά μπορεί να τον βοηθήσει. Αυτή είναι η τρομοκρατία της οικονομίας.

What Change may come?

Yes, stupidity is over. But what if realism is harder than stupidity? Obama 's presidency may be accompanied at the moment with ambitious plans for a better world, but the present instances seem to follow a completely different route. It is not possible to depend the future of the globe on the hands of one person or one country. Imagine what if this country leaves the world on its own. Lets see what happens currently throughout the world.

In Gaza, the Israelis keep hitting the Palestinian ground with smart war movements still killing people. In spite of the so-called truce between both sides, the war is going on and nothing looks positive. After the election on Israel, far-right politicians encourage the isolation of Israel of any kind of Arabs. Their voice, now, is even stronger and while Israel loses people by Hamas bombings (even if this is "set up"), people will listen to this voice more positive. Palestine is a cursed place, full of hatred, and the Laws of the United Nations do not apply at all or noone is there to apply them. Israel is growing its military force with many technological supplies, whereas drastic Palestinian organisations are planning suicide or simple bombings.
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